How To Balance Pool Chemicals

 In Blog, Swimming Pool Maintenance in Halton

Are you spending hours, and a small fortune, trying to balance your pool’s chemical levels, only to find it’s still not right? The continuous cycle of testing, adjusting, and retesting, only to achieve less-than-ideal results can be annoying. We’re here to help ensure that your pool is perfectly balanced all summer long, without the guesswork. Continue reading to see where you might be going wrong, and which products and services can help get your pool ready for fun.

Pool Chemicals & What They Do

A photo of a hand pouring pool chlorine granules into a pool.

Balancing your pool’s chemistry is key to maintaining a clean and healthy swimming environment. With varying summer conditions, from hot and dry to cool and rainy, the care plan for your pool can significantly vary. It’s important to have an understanding of the different types of pool chemicals and how to use them.

  • Chlorine: This is your main sanitizing agent that eliminates harmful bacteria and keeps the pool water clean.
  • Bromine: Similar to chlorine, bromine is an effective sanitizer. It is more stable at higher temperatures and in fluctuating pH levels, making it a preferred choice for hot tubs and spas.
  • pH Adjusters: These help maintain an ideal pH level, ensuring the water isn’t too acidic or basic, which can harm your skin and eyes.
  • Alkalinity Increaser: It stabilizes the pH levels, preventing rapid pH changes.
  • Cyanuric Acid: Often referred to as pool sunscreen, it protects chlorine from sun degradation.
  • Algaecides: These are used to prevent and treat algae growth in your pool, ensuring clear and inviting water.
  • Shock Treatment: Used to ‘shock’ your pool and quickly raise the chlorine level to kill bacteria, algae, and other organic materials.

Planning for Summer Weather

A photo of a pool in the rain.

In a hot and dry summer, pools are exposed to high UV radiation and increased evaporation. Keep a close check on chlorine levels and replenish as necessary — and remember that every time you add water, you’ll need to adjust your chemical levels accordingly.

Cold and rainy summer conditions mean less evaporation but can dilute your pool chemicals and introduce debris. Has your pool water turned green after a rain? Here’s why. Adjust your chemicals as needed and skim/vacuum regularly.

Make Maintenance Easy with Mineraluxe

A photo of a Mineraluxe product kit.

We have Mineraluxe start-up kits and summer maintenance kits that can last up to 6-12 weeks, depending on your pool size. These kits will provide you with a simple and effective way to maintain your pool. Contact us to get your kit.

Feeling unsure or overwhelmed? Take the guesswork out of the equation with our professional pool water testing. Our experts will provide accurate measurements and advise on the exact chemicals and quantities you need. Bring a water test to our store at any time during store hours for free water testing, with no appointment necessary, or contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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