How To Protect Your Winter Pool Cover

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When summer comes to an end, it’s important to protect your pool from the harsh winter weather to avoid damage and costly repairs. The best way to do this is with a winter safety cover. However, it is also important to protect your pool cover. Read on as we explain why you should protect your winter pool cover and how to do so.

Why Do I Need A Winter Pool Cover?

A winter safety cover is designed to protect your pool from the harsh winter conditions. A high-quality, custom-fit pool cover will protect your liner from damage and keep wildlife out.

Safety covers also ensure that children and pets are also safe from falling into the pool.

How To Protect Your Winter Pool Cover

  1. First and foremost, it’s important to ensure that your pool cover is properly fitted and secured.
  2. A little bit of water on top of your pool cover is ok. This will actually help protect it from heavy winds. However, you’ll want to ensure that you remove excess leaves, water, and snow so it doesn’t become too heavy and cause damage to your cover. 
  3. If you have pets, it’s important to keep them away from the cover as their weight and sharp claws may damage your cover or your pool, and could cause serious harm to your pet.
  4. If you notice any damage to your cover, we recommend that you immediately patch holes and rips. 
  5. Maintain a reasonable water level in your pool. To ensure this, you’ll want to hire a professional to properly close your pool for the season once the weather becomes chilly.

At Cannonball Pools in Milton, we can supply you with a custom-fitted pool cover that’s specially designed to withstand Canadian winters. We also repair pool covers and close and open pools by appointment.

If you’d like to inquire about our closing services, winter safety covers, or if you need to repair your cover, contact us here and a member of our team will be happy to help.

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